Crossgates Primary School


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 Teaching Team


 Mrs. Edwards


Mrs. Dry

Teaching Assistant 

 Mrs. McIntosh

Teaching Assistant 1:1

Miss. Farrow



 What are we learning? 


Our 'Knowledge Organisers' tell you all the information about what we are learning and the skills we will develop this term.  These can be accessed via the Curriculum tab at the top of the page or by clicking here:



On a Tuesday & Friday, your child should come to school already dressed in their outdoor P.E. kit with a school jumper/cardigan on. 

They will remain in their kit all day and do not  need to bring their uniform to change into.

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WOW we did so well in our computing lesson.

We all logged onto Purple Mash using our passwords. Then we used the tools in 2Paint to create an Autumn picture.

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These are some examples of our Autumn acrostic poems to celebrate National Poetry Day

Sparrows have been making number tracks with different math resources.

We used them to count forwards and backwards.

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The children have been enjoying some role play in their very own Crossgates Vets ! 

  • In pretend play, children get to use new words and phrases they might not use regularly.
  • Shop play introduces vocabulary around money and payments.
  • Passing toys back and forth helps your child learn about taking turns and manners.
  • Having made-up conversations is a great way for children to practice their social communication.
  • Letting your child take on a variety of roles can boost their confidence and develop their empathy.
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Please click on the links to view the documents:

curriculum LTP RWS

Year 1